IET India Scholarship Awards Process

The evaluation of IET India Scholarship Award 2024 will be done in the following 4 different stages/ levels:

Stage 1: Online Application & Evaluation
  • Only those candidates who clear the eligibility criteria as set out by the IET India Scholarship Award will be considered in the Online Application round.
  • Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an online test on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) essentials.
  • The shortlisted candidates from Stage 1 will make it to Stage 2 and will include the top 10 percentile of applicants from every region (North, East & Northeast, South 1, South 2 and West).
  • For the South region, the division of states will be South 1: Karnataka, Telangana and Kerala and South 2: Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Pondicherry
  • The scores will be calculated from the total applications received, based on the weightages assigned to each of the questions in the online application form mentioned below:
Weightages considered for the online application
  • Academics – 52%
  • Extra & Co-Curricular – 20%
  • Professional – 13% (Membership in professional bodies, coordinating activities of the professional bodies, office bearer of any professional body/student chapter, contributing to professional bodies through papers presentations etc.)
  • IET Student Membership – 15%
Stage 2: Online test

Shortlisted applicants from Stage 1 will be invited to take an All-India online test.

This online test is conducted to assess the shortlisted applicant’s knowledge in engineering subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science

There will be a total of approximately 50 multiple choice questions.

The top scoring 20 applicants in each Region (North, South 1 and South 2, East & Northeast and West) will progress to Stage 3.

Please note that ONLY the applicants selected for the next round, that is, the regional presentation round, will be contacted further and receive an email from us by 15th July 2024

Stage 3: Regional Rounds

In this Regional Level Assessment, the applicants shortlisted from each region will present on topics that will be given by the Jury members.

5 important Societal Challenges will be identified and students will be invited to present a technological solution for these. Each region’s Challenge topic will be identified according to current and trending issues identified in the region.

The topic will be communicated to the contestants at least 10 days in advance to enable the student to prepare. This round will happen in person on the scheduled date of the presentations as indicated here.. in a central city for each region. The venue details and timings will be communicated to the shortlisted students in advance.

The Winner of each Region will move onto the next stage – National Finals. There will also be a Runner up identified and felicitated.

The Regional Assessment will be conducted across 5 regions:

  • Regional North (Delhi)
  • Regional South 1 (Bangalore)
  • Regional South 2 (Chennai)
  • Regional East + North East (Kolkata)
  • Regional West (Mumbai)
Stage 4: The National Finals

The National Finals of IET India Scholarship Awards 2024 will be held on 2nd September 2024. The 5 winners from the Regional Rounds will make their presentations on their technology solution, and their vision for it, as they see it, for the engineering problem chosen in the previous Round.

These National Finalists will be judged on their respective presentation to the national jury, and their overall growth over the course of their participation in each stage of the Scholarship Awards. The applicants will be assessed on the performance and improvement shown by them in each round of the Scholarship Awards.

Please note:
  • The National Finals may also include a Group Discussion and the topic for this GD will be given by the jury on the day of the National Finals.
  • The National Finals will be held in Bangalore. Venue details and timings will be communicated to the shortlisted students in advance.

Read complete terms and conditions.

If you are a student member of the IET, you get a 15% additional weightage boost in your application.